Monday, October 12, 2009


dis few day nth happen2me
so din write anything
nth write also

saturday and sunday also same 
got teach swim also
and also a boring day

sunday wake up at 8.40a.m
9.00a.m wan teach swim
then go with bro lo
after that eat with relative
and go church
then go back home
3.00p.m sleep till 7.00p.m
first time sleep till so later a
then go eat again with relative
nth happen also
a boring sunday

then go back home
play computer then sleep

start a boring week

nth happen also
went 2 skol
when back see the ppl we scold
he also scare see us a
tell all the jimui
all bie 2 he....haha...

then go home lo...
suzanne and cath say wan come my home
but finally also din come
so see tv awhile
then 5.00p.m sleep till 7.00p.m
wake up and eat,bath
see tv again
then play laptop
-play game
then wan sleep ard lo
so boring a................
hope can find a bf acompony me...hehe(but hard)
and of u(jimui) also got bf...juz less me only
nth write ard la...haiz...
nitez 2 u all lo...