Monday, November 9, 2009


2day is my sis birthday
so happy birthday lo...^^

2day 8++ a.m gv baba call wake up
say wan go church 领圣餐
then wake up lo
call sis and kor kor
but mami wan take kakak go work
then kor kor take us go lo

reach there ard late ard
fast fast go find place sit
the mami only come

2day is my first time领圣餐 le
afer that
not till 10++a.m
then wan go teach swim ard
but before go swim go wat with mami first
when eating
got a anty call mami say cant swim
the pool clearing
then we no need eat so fast lo
then dai kao family also come ard

finish eat
we go buy thing to yuan yuan
see a dog so cute le

then go back church again
because got主日学
2day is clement teach
because 史太 din come
dono y

he 2day teach de thing o...
most is saying me..==
i know de
i know u wan me study bible ma
i will de
not i,is we....
u a...
fake fake there a....
say who always play facebook a...
play game a..
call us use 5 mint 2 read bible
we know de..we will remember wat u say de ...hehe
dis kok fai de pet

guess wat dis..haha

then 1++p.m
finish dy lo
at church wait
see who can take we go ecm
because 2 day got Hong Kong artist come ma

then reach ecm dy lo
we go eat first
go 3 levels
so many ppl le
because the new cinema open dy
then we eat at there
i eat tomyam
so gud le...hehe

then finish eat
go find ruru
she call me go find her at her bia shop
then we walk 2gether lo
then go buy something
then see yinyin

when we wait the Honn Kong artist come
wan die dy many ppl le
gv ppl 踩,push
ruru also angry a

then really come dy lo
go find another place come
go very front only can see a
see 马德钟 and 郑嘉颖 so liang zai a
and the 谢雪心and陈敏之 .....
we stay de place
the ppl dono who...walau!!
so busuk a..+.+
wan die ard
juz see awhile then fast fast go out a
then see mami
call kor kor take pic

then they wan go back the 后台
then kor kor gv he friend(Jackson) my phone
call he take pic
then he video juz see 3 artist only

then wan go back ard lo
wan go teach swim
go Hyatt teach
before it go pasar buy food eat
take kor fren back then go Hyatt lo

reach they ard late ard
then finish swim
when wan back

 see the DJ
2day at ecm de
but when wan go back take pic with he
he ard go dono where ard

suan le la
then fast fast go take MY
then go Swiss garden lo...^^
(go again)
but dis time is all familly go 2gether de

kor fren also got go o
reach there
fast go take thing eat


after eat
go play game lo

at there go take some pic o...hehe

small girl vs big girl

dis benny change money gv we play de...haha..


same pose

kor fren

finish play
we go back eat again
then they (kor fren) sing birthday song my sis

then 10++p.m then go back dy lo...
go back home so tired a
sit awhile

then only thing dao
2moro wan return book a
shit lo!!
fast fast go find book
but less sejarah
then ask kor gf got onot
call kakak find
but also cant find la

then when playing facebook
kor gf call say got
say call oe laer go take
then okok
so gud
then  chat with fren awhile lo
the go sleep lo
so tired a
go out for whole day dy

ok la
write till here la